Video Tapes, Photographic Slides & Filmstrips (Negatives and Transparencies) Transferred to DVD
I am able to transfer across to DVD into a digital format the video footage and photographs from the following video tapes, slides and filmstrip formats:
Video Tapes
- 'Ordinary' full-size VHS and S-VHS (SVHS)
- Video8
- Hi8
- MiniDV
Slide and Filmstrip Formats
- 135 (35mm) slides
- 126 ('Instamatic') slides
- 135 (35mm) filmstrips (negatives and transparencies)
- 126 ('Instamatic') filmstrips (negatives and transparencies)
- 120/220 (61mm/"two and a quarter inch" medium format) filmstrips (negatives and transparencies)
You will then be able to view the video footage and photographs on your computer, laptop or other device and on most televisions that are equipped with either an internal or external DVD player. The DVDs are supplied to you in black, vinyl, clamshell library cases, with simple white covers. Please note: I DO NOT transfer 'adult' material.
Although you are welcome to just pop in to my photography studio to drop off the video tapes, slides or filmstrips, it is highly recommended that you contact me in advance first, as I am not always there! After I have completed the transfer, I will then contact you to make arrangements for collection of the DVD(s) and the tapes, slides or filmstrips, and you can pay me then - cheque or cash only, please.
The rest of this page is divided into two sections: Video Tapes to DVD Transfer Service, and the much more lengthy section - Photographic Slides and Filmstrips to DVD Transfer Service.
Video Tapes to DVD Transfer Service
Video tape quality deteriorates after a number of years, regardless of whether you view the tapes or not. Have your old wedding, birthday party, school play, holiday and other videos transferred to DVD now before it's too late!
I can transfer 'ordinary' full-size VHS and S-VHS (SVHS) tapes to DVD, plus several of the smaller size tapes: VHS-C (VHSC) and S-VHS-C (SVHSC), Video8, Hi8 and MiniDV.
For each tape that I work on, I charge £10 for transferring the first two hours of footage (or part thereof), and £4 for each additional two hours (or part thereof). Therefore, the minimum charge will be £10 per tape. Given that most video tapes hold a maximum of four hours of footage, then we can safely say that the cost will very likely be either £10 or £14 per tape. This price also includes supplying the DVD disc(s), vinyl case, etc. - everything.
Photographic Slides and Filmstrips to DVD Transfer Service
I am able to transfer across to DVD into a digital format the images from your plastic- and card-mounted 135 (35mm) and 126 ('Instamatic') slides. I can also transfer the images from 135 (35mm), 126 ('Instamatic'), and 120/220 (61mm/"two and a quarter inch" medium format) colour and black-and-white filmstrips (negatives and transparencies). These are all provided as high-resolution images, scanned at 2400 dpi.
To give you an idea of how good the results can be, here are four examples of scans that I have made from 135 (35mm) filmstrip negatives of photographs that I took using a basic point and shoot film camera in the 1990's. They have all been scanned as 24-bit colour, but at a lower than normal resolution of 1200dpi, so that they load quicker for you to view over the Internet:
135 (35mm) Filmstrip negative - example
135 (35mm) Filmstrip negative - example
135 (35mm) Filmstrip negative - example
135 (35mm) Filmstrip negative - example four
Here are four more examples, this time of scans that I have made from 135 (35mm) slides taken for a beekeeping project by an unknown photographer (Copyright Oxford Photography). They too have all been scanned as 24-bit colour and at the lower than normal resolution of 1200dpi:
135 (35mm) Slide - example one
135 (35mm) Slide - example two
135 (35mm) Slide - example three
135 (35mm) Slide - example four
The rest of this page displays the charges for transferring slides and the various formats of filmstrip to DVD.
Charges for transferring 135 (35mm) and 126 ('Instamatic') Slides to DVD
NB. There is a minimum charge of £10 for any scanning work.
NB. When scanning 126 ('Instamatic') slides, approximately 2mm from both the top and bottom edges of the frames (photographs) will unfortunately be cropped (not scanned).
I charge just 30p for each 135 (35mm) or 126 ('Instamatic') slide that I scan. Remember though, there is a minimum charge of £10 for any scanning work.
Charges for transferring 135 (35mm) and 126 ('Instamatic') colour and black-and-white filmstrips (negatives and transparencies) to DVD
NB. There is a minimum charge of £10 for any scanning work.
135 (35mm) and 126 ('Instamatic') filmstrips were typically returned to the customer after processing holding between four and seven frames (photographs) per strip. I am able to scan lengths of filmstrip with a maximum of up to either six 135 (35mm) frames (photographs) or seven 126 ('Instamatic') frames (photographs). If the filmstrips have more than this number of frames (photographs), then I will need to physically cut them into shorter lengths at a frame boundary to be able to scan them.
NB. When scanning 126 ('Instamatic') filmstrips, approximately 2mm from both the top and bottom edges of the frames (photographs) will unfortunately be cropped (not scanned).
I charge just £1 for scanning each filmstrip, regardless of the number of frames (photographs) per strip. Remember though, there is a minimum charge of £10 for any scanning work.
Charges for transferring 120/220 (61mm/"two and a quarter inch" medium format) filmstrips (negatives and transparencies) to DVD
NB. There is a minimum charge of £10 for any scanning work.
There are no less than eight different sizes of 120/220 medium format film! The four popular 'standard' sizes are called 6 x 4.5, 6 x 6, 6 x 7 and 6 x 9, whilst the other four are called 6 x 8, 6 x 12, 6 x 17 and 6 x 24*. With the exception of the very large 6 x 24 size (identified by having a frame (photograph) size of 56mm x 224mm), I am able to scan all sizes of medium format filmstrip. NB. Please be aware that the maximum length of 120/220 filmstrip that I am able to scan is 220mm, and therefore if any of the strips are longer than this, then I will need to physically cut them into shorter lengths at a frame boundary to be able to scan them.
I charge just £1.25 for scanning each 120/220 filmstrip, regardless of the number of frames (photographs) per strip. Remember though, there is a minimum charge of £10 for any scanning work.
*Although, in each case, the filmstrip is always approximately 61mm wide and the frames (photographs) are all approximately 56mm wide, the difference between the eight different sizes is in the frame (photograph) length, ranging from approximately 41.5mm to approximately 224mm.